“We are all artists;
creating and actualizing
our moment to moment,
day to day living.”
Join us online or in-person in San Francisco, California, USA with our variety of MInd, Body, Heart, and Soul well-being classes and programs.
The San Francisco Yoga School teachings are based on 48+ years of personal and professional integral yogic, healing arts, and well-being practices, study, and coursework experience.
Our Founder and Master Teacher
Pamela Carrara,
integrates her principle 4-Sacred Pillars© of Sacred Longevity™ into each group and individual tailored interactive sessions.
By participating in all our SFYS events with the individual attention provided, you are assured a beneficial and revealing affirmative, furthering, and thriving experience with Pamela’s longstanding practice, teachings, and guidance of living with more ease and grace at any age and every stage!
As of 2024, The SFYS celebrated 25 years of rejuvenating integrative and healing arts work, co-creating with people of all ages and from all walks of life the cultivation of healthier sustainable changes in their mindfulness, lifestyle, and well-being, empowering them to live more in their greatest good and highest potential.
“The Secret of Your Well-Being
Lies Within You.”
Enhance your potential, practices, and skills of
your foundational 4-Sacred Pillars©:
your Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul,
for your precious wholeness and well-being!
Build consistent firmness, flexibility steadiness, and strength
for a resilient integral foundation for
your unique Self-potential and Self-Realization.
A Personal & Professional Distinct Integrative Resource for Enhancing the Skills, Practice, & Potential of Your Body, Mind, Heart, & Soul.
Pamela Carrara, Master Teacher, Consultant, Speaker, & Yogic Body Worker with 48+ years of Yoga, Movement, Integral & Healing Arts Professional & Personal Experience is a Distinct Integrative Resource for Enhancing the Skills, Practices & Potential of Your Body, Mind, Heart & Soul.
She is the Founder of Body Awareness Fitness Personal Training (1989-1999); The San Francisco Yoga School (in 1999); Fine Body Yoga® (in 2010); and The Sacred Longevity™ Online Programs (in 2021).
"Pamela's gift is to fill a room with a healing presence and grace that brings out the best in everyone. Her talent is to hold and deliver the authority of her mastery with crystal clarity that is easy and pleasurable for her listeners to take in and integrate.”
- Lee Glickstein Author, "Be Heard Now!" & Founder of Speaking Circles International