Personalized - Playful - Potent
No matter what your experience, background, or degree
of familiarity with yoga, or any other concepts below.
The Sacred Longevity© Project 4-Sacred Pillars© 4-Weeks Series
Discover the power of The Enlightened MIND, The Embodied BODY, The Transforming HEART, and The Transcending SOUL. These are the 4-Sacred Pillars© and are foundational to your Well Being and Longevity.
The Sacred Longevity Project 4-Sacred Pillars© Series allows you to measure your resilience and results throughout each 4-weeks per Sacred Pillar©, unearthing your true and highest potential through integrative work and individual attention.
Each four-week course is individually available to purchase, plus we offer a single-week rate too. Please note: attending the full 16 weeks is highly recommended to give you a deeper understanding and experience of the integration of the 4-Sacred Pillars© of Well Being and Sacred Longevity!
“I love this class. And having the recordings to view as often as I desire is a boon to me.”
- Stephen Perelson, Sacred Longevity© Project 2021 & 4-Sacred Pillars © Series 2021 Participant
”Just from the first group, and 1-on-1 sessions, I have already had a huge shift in what is available to me, and what there is to do about it. “
- Joshua Wylie, MFT, Sacred Longevity© Project 2021 & 4-Sacred Pillars © Series 2021 Participant
“The Sacred Longevity Project with Pamela Carrara has been the jumpstart I needed to focus on this new, enfolding chapter of my life and to discover and define my life’s purpose. It has created in me a desire for self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-care and self-love. It has also fostered in me a need to share in this journey of self-discovery with other women of my age, seeking for all of us a sense of empowerment and a certainty about what is really important in our lives.”
- Tina Schuller,
Sacred Longevity© Project 2021 Participant
“I am thoroughly impressed with your coaching, your coaching style, your way of “being” and your ability to hear through to the bigger picture…all the time. It was reliable that every session I would come away with something that I didn’t expect but was completely in line with what I was committed to have happen. You could cut through my typical way of being…mainly doing…to bring forth a way I could bring joy and peace into my life. I am in such a different place now. I feel so much more whole and complete, with peace and joy in my life. I know it is much from the work we did together. I now can tap into my inner knowing using the techniques you taught me and find an answer from my heart, not from my mind.”
- Kim Aubrey, 1-on-1 Client
“I remember our first call together, and now over two years later, I am reflecting on how my life is enriched and enhanced through our work together. You have truly been a partner to me, and I am grateful for the energy and devotion with which you honor me. You are a joyful combination of coach, therapist, friend, and a very wise woman.
Pamela, during these two years, you have opened my eyes to my softer side, the side that was overshadowed by my need to work many long hours, and with your guidance I am a more balanced person and able to enjoy my time away from my career, with family and friends.
You taught me how to be kind to myself, and how to appreciate and treasure my uniqueness in the world. I love myself and I am good to myself!”
- Judy Litteer, 1-on-1 Client
• One 75 minute live, online, interactive, customized, guided GROUP SESSION with Q&A time. • Each Group Session will have clearly defined inquiries, progressive premises, teachings and mini practices specific to each pillar. • Each session will open and close with a ritual, invocation, meditation and/or visualization. • One 60 minute personalized (1-on-1) live, online, interactive, INTEGRATION SESSION, with specially designed self-realization, self-care, and/or self-healing practices, specific to each person’s intentions. • Access to, and instructions for the Sacred Longevity© Foundational Game Board to playfully imagine/explore, discover and create your own personal, unique road map to navigate this journey of possibilities, especially to learn how to set, and discover your own MEASURABLE RESULTS.
• My 24 hour RETURN CALL POLICY:I will be available for you to ask questions, and share breakthroughs, and/or breakdowns when needed outside of the above sessions during this Sacred Longevity© Project. If I am unavailable at the time you call or text, I will get back to you within 24-hours. It's all part of the process to accelerate your expanding consciousness, learning and integration.
1. After each group and integration session, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format for, and at your convenience. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere. No worries about missing a session. You can listen to the session anytime and anywhere.
2. Hand outs will be provided for certain techniques used in the project.