The Sacred Longevity™ Online Programs -
Since 2021
These programs are created for you to have greater access and gain a more conscious and intentional deeper understanding of how longevity and love intersect from a blessed point of view, such to clarify, achieve, and accelerate your desired long-term quality of living plans, manifest visions, and actualize your most yearned for advantageous results for your complete health, greatest good and highest potential!
The Sacred Longevity™ Illume Series© - COMING FALL 2024
Deepen Your Intuition. Enlighten Your Vision.
Share Your Wisdom.
Personalized - Playful - Potent
Interactive - Integrative - Intuitively Accelerating
The Sacred Longevity™ 6 -Week Project - 2021
The Sacred Longevity™ Introductory Seminars - Since 2021
“Where are you on your Journey? - The Evolving Revolving Stages of One's Life Journey©
- Since 2022
The Sacred Longevity™ 6-Week Course - Since 2023
The Sacred Longevity™ 4-Sacred Pillars© 4-Week Courses Series - Since 2021:
#1 The Enlightened Mind© 4-Week Course
#2 The Embodied Body© 4-Week Course
#3 The Transforming Heart© 4-Week Course
#4 The Transcending Soul©4-Week Course
The Sacred Longevity™ Evolve Series© - Since 2023
The Sacred Longevity™ Illume Series© - COMING 2024
The Sacred Longevity™ Engoldenment Series© - DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED
The Sacred Longevity™ Retreat - DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED
No prior experience, background, or degree of familiarity with yoga, or any other concepts noted here is necessary.
Just an openness and willingness to delve deeper into the intricacies of your human condition and the beauty, ease,
and grace of your True Nature to enhance your actions, clarity, commitments, connections, and conversations.
Each of these programs will integrally help you elevate the foundational 4 Sacred Pillars© of your wholeness and well-being:
The Enlightened Mind©; The Embodied Body©; The Transforming Heart©; and The Transcending Soul,
to lessen resistance, expand acceptance, and increase resilience
for a stronger, more stable, loving, caring, contributing
unwavering evolving unique, and precious YOU.
Each session in every program will progress in a cohesive and unified manner,
harmoniously building upon the previous one to develop a complete, holistic, and integral
understanding and execution of simple and easy practices, processes, principles, and premises.
These will help awaken your effectiveness and contributions for the benefit of all creation.
Bring your curiosity, creativity, and knowledge, to playfully explore and beneficially create
what is most inspiringly suitable for furthering your individual greater good and highest potential.
Discover how to achieve greater and increasing
ease and grace at any age, and every stage of life!
(Limited to 10 participants.)
• Two to three weekly 75-minute Group Sessions of Discussion, Principles, and Practices, every other week
• Two to three weekly 75-minute Group Integration and Spotlight Sessions, plus Break-out Room Conversations, every other week
• 1on1 Integration Sessions available at 3 options.
• All sessions are recorded and available for participants. Transcripts on request.
Thank you for your interest and for reading this!
Pamela Carrara,
Master Teacher, and Founder of Body Awareness Fitness Personal Training (1989-1999);
The San Francisco Yoga School (1999); Fine Body Yoga® (2010); and The Sacred Longevity™ Interactive On-line Programs (2021).
With 48 years of Yoga, Meditation, Movement, Integral and Healing Arts Professional and Personal Experience,
Pamela is a Source for Enhancing the Skills, Practices, and Potential of Your Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul,
the Foundational 4-Sacred Pillars© of Your Well-Being.
Sacred Longevity™ Program Participant’s Testimonials
I have attended The Enlightened Mind Sacred Pillar© 4-Week Series, The Embodied Body Sacred Pillar© 4-Week Series, and The Transforming Heart Sacred Pillar© 4-Week Series. I am looking forward to Transcending Soul Sacred Pillar© 4-Week Series.
I have been more and more guided by my Higher Self. I have had more access to being in "the flow". I feel more at ease with the uncertainty and unknowing of life and more connected to my divine self. When I am more connected there is flow, there is ease and there is TRUST in all that is unfolding. I love being present to the divine in me. Pamela's courses have been providing the tools and processes for that. Her love and skill emanate from her at all times. I feel very blessed to be learning from her and the cohort. Thank you. Love Kim
-Kim Aubrey, 2023 all 4-Sacred Pillars© Series
I'm truly thankful for Pamela's individualized focus on my requirements and my progress.
We are only halfway through the program and I find I am learning a whole new level of self-care. I am also becoming aware of areas of neglect in my body that I am starting to take care of now. A new spaciousness is growing in my body and mind. I feel very grateful to be in this class with Pamela and the others.
- Kim Aubry, 2023 Sacred Longevity© 6-Week Introduction Course
The recent 2023 Sacred Longevity course was my second course with Pamela Carrara. While some things were familiar, I also learned new things. Pamela is an excellent guide for learning more about your mind, heart, body, and soul; no matter your age or your goals for yourself. She poses good questions about what is and isn't working for you and works with you to make positive changes.
The group series includes meditations that are relaxing, yet also energizing. Besides the group sessions, weekly practical exercises are easily incorporated and a weekly one one-on-one session allows for a deeper dive for you personally.
If you want to experience some positive and unexpected results that will enhance your life, consider participating in a SFYS Sacred Longevity course.
Betsy Doyle, 2023 Sacred Longevity© 6-Week Introduction Course
“The Sacred Longevity Project with Pamela Carrara has been the jumpstart I needed to focus on this new, enfolding chapter of my life and to discover and define my life’s purpose. It has created in me a desire for self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-care and self-love. It has also fostered in me a need to share in this journey of self-discovery with other women of my age, seeking for all of us a sense of empowerment and a certainty about what is really important in our lives.”
- Tina Schuller, 2021 Sacred Longevity© 6-Week Project
”Just from the first group, and 1-on-1 sessions,
I have already had a huge shift in what is available to me, and what there is to do about it. “
- Joshua Wylie, MFT, 2021 Sacred Longevity© 6 Week Project & all 4-Sacred Pillars© Series
“I love this class. And having the recordings to view as often as I desire is a boon to me.”
- Stephen Perelson, 2021 Sacred Longevity© 6 Week Project & all 4-Sacred Pillars© Series