The Sacred Pillar© #3 The Transforming Heart

Week 3 - November 23rd, 2021

Here we are, in the holiday season!

What a better time to be thankful for your blessings, your life,
 and to your loved ones and the universe!

Thankfulness is not only a high frequency form of Love,
 it is a primary receptor of Love!

Giving thanks puts you in a proper relationship with Love,
 opening the way for more of Love's riches to flow into you, and from you.

Thankfulness is the language of Love,
which enables you to be in communication and communion with the Unified Love Field Presence of the Peace filled Now/Present Moment! 

Louise Hay* says in her 1984 "Heal Your Body" and  "You Can Heal Your Life" books, that the point of power is in the Present moment.

I also humbly add, and assert that
the Present moment is the Power of Love!

(*Louise  Hay, a renowned American motivational author of New Thought self-help books, and the founder of Hay House publishing firm, that publishes the works of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Esther Hicks.

Last week the Transforming Heart Love conversation was:

      "What is your definition of Love, and what does Love mean to you?"

We will now also ask:

 "What / How is it to be with love, and to be loved? And:

 "What / How is it to be without Love, and what is the opposite of Love to you?"

These may be very valuable questions to ask yourself even if you are without verbalizing any answers that come to you to contribute, or if you are without joining this session tonight.

Also, for tonight, please prepare for a new healing heart meditation tonight either sitting or laying down, which I trust will be very valuable for you! 

I am looking forward to us being together to share in this journey. 


Sacred Pillar© #4 The Transcending Soul